That I may walk in the light…

If I claim to have faith and walk in the light, yet live in unrepentant sin, I deceive myself and this around me. more than this, I lie to the Father and Spirit, and crucify the Son again in my heart. The Spirit does not dwell in me and I still live in the darkness. (1 John 1:5-10)
But if I walk in the light, striving to fight the sin in my life then the Spirit of God is alive in me. I am a child of the Father and a co-heir of the inheritance with Christ. (1 Peter 1:3-5, Romans 8:16-17)

I am not what I ought to be,
I am not what I want to be,
I am not what I hope to be in another world;
But still I am not what I once used to be,
And by the grace of God, I am what I am.
– John Newton

Who is more aware of our own faults than ourselves? We know what is broken about us. We know how we let others down, and we know our own sinful desires within us.
Yet there is one who knows more about us than even ourselves!
The Creator God, the Perfect Son & the Holy Spirit, three persons, one God, all fully God but all separate. He knows all about us but in spite of this, He loves us. While we were still in our sinful brokenness, the Son came so that we might become the righteousness of God. And the Spirit enters us by the grace of the Father so that we may walk in the light. (2 Timothy 1:14, 1 Corinthians 15:21, Romans 5:6-8)

My dear brothers and sisters, so often we long to walk in the light but we struggle because we are still living in our earthly, sinful bodies. But we are not of this world anymore! We have been called to be holy just like the God who saved us into life. (1 Peter 1:3-12)
Let us not walk in the darkness, following the sinful desires of our human nature, but let us walk in the light because He has saved us to do so. Let us be obidient, not that we might be slaves but that we might live as His children. (Romans 6:20-23)
For a father tells his children to obey him so that they may be safe and cared for. This is the same call that out Heavenly Father gives us. Brothers and sisters, we are to imitate Christ. His death and resurrection saved us so let us go and tell of this good news to those who do not walk in the light!

Let us rise, therefore, and proclaim the gospel. All praise and honour and glory be unto the Father, Son & Spirit.
Forever and ever.


Now read this

A Poem I was given

On Katoomba Easter Convention this year, I was given a letter with this note and poem on it: When I say that “I am a Christian” I am not saying shouting that “I am clean living” I am whispering “I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven... Continue →