A Poem I was given

On Katoomba Easter Convention this year, I was given a letter with this note and poem on it:

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I am not saying shouting that “I am clean living”
I am whispering “I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven”

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I don’t speak this with pride
I am confession that I stumble and need Christ to be by my side

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I am not trying to be strong
I am professing that I am weak and need His strength to carry on

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I am not bragging of success
I am admitting that I have failed and need God to clean up my mess

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I am not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are too far visible but God believes I am worth it

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my fair share of heartbreak so I call upon His name

When I say that “I am a Christian”
I am not holier than anyone
I am just a simple sinner who has received God’s grace!

Today we may face hardships. These hardships are the instruments that God uses to change us and make us more like Christ. Don’t allow these trials and worries to overwhelm the reality of God’s care, His ability to change our life circumstances, and His ultimate plan to work in our lives for His glory.
God bless.



Now read this

The dance of dependency…

Hey guys. It’s been a while. Sorry about that. I’m sure you’ll get over it. ————————————————————————————————————— On Thursday night, one of my friends posted this on Facebook: “…I think we all hide our hurts because of some form of... Continue →