A bit about myself…

I am not a trained theologian or a professional scholar. I am merely a young Christian man living in a broken and sinful world. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I attend Christ Church Gladesville. My name is Thomas Mitchell Guthrie and I am nothing more than a person with thoughts. I want to acknowledge that I do have biases and that these will come out in my writing, specifically concerning the truth of the Gospel, which is Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am the middle child of three. I have an older sister who is married, and a younger brother who is finishing school in less than 6 months. I currently work 4 days a week at Moore Theological College as part of the maintenance team.

I grew up in a Christian family, attending church every week. Both my parents are Christians. So are my brother and sister. But I would not have called myself a Christian until I was about 13 years old. I’ve been through in the seven years I’ve been a Christian but in all things God has been good to me.
Praise be to His glorious name forever and ever. Amen.


Now read this

Confessions of a 21st Century Christian

I am tired. Not necessarily physically tired, although I did probably sleep poorly last night. Not necessarily mentally tired, although I am being stretched while at Bible college. Not necessarily spiritually tired, although I have found... Continue →