Will I still believe…

Will I still believe when my family all but hate me?
Yes shall be my plea!
Will I still believe when my friends reject me because of my faith?
Yes shall I shout!
Will I still believe when it costs me a comfortable life?
Yes shall I cry!
Will I still believe when life becomes overwhelming?
Yes shall I call out!
Will I still believe when staring down the barrel of a gun?
Yes shall I roar!
Will I still believe when to die is Christ?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Now and forevermore!


Now read this

The Sufficiency of His Grace

A month or two ago, one of my lecturers gave me and my classmates the task of writing a Biblical-style lament. We were told to put to paper our pleas to God, asking why He has allowed life to happen this way. And so we wrote poems and... Continue →