Why I write

“I write to because it’s the easiest way to escape the prison of my own consciousness.” – John Green

I live a fairly quiet life. I don’t hang with huge amounts of people very often. I only see people at uni or church. But i enjoy it. I struggle through but I enjoy it.
There are so many authors, so many quotes, that I could have put at the start of this post. I chose that one because I heard it today.
I write from what I take in. I see, hear, watch, partake in things and then put them down on paper.
The why of my writing is harder to explain. I write because I love it. But it’s not an escape of my consciousness. It’s an exploration of it. I can’t remember exactly when I started writing. When I was battling with depression, I doodled and journalled and kept a notebook on me nearly the whole time.
Then sometime towards the end of last year, I started writing not just notes or small thoughts. I wrote huge pieces.
I write because it is a gift I have been given. And I praise God for giving it to me.



Now read this

An Abundance of Grace

My reflections on 2017. As this year draws to a close, I wanted to put what I feel about everything into some coherent form so that I might be able to share it with those I care about. Over this past week, I have started and restarted... Continue →