To be known by God.

When we say we know a person, we imply that we have a relationship with that person. We know lots of things about them but, more importantly, we know them know them personally. I can know a heap of stuff about Donald Trump but I will never know him and he will never know me.

Then why is it that we treat God so differently?

So often we say that we “know God” when what we really mean is that we know things about God. This is a distinct failure on our part as Christians to really accept this knowledge that spurs us into action and relationship with God.
As Christians, we often use the terms “head knowledge” and “heart knowledge” without actually taking into proper consideration what these phrases mean. By making a distinction between the head and heart, we unknowingly highlight the heart of the matter: Because we fail to be in a right relationship with God so we turn what we hear about God’s character into just things we know about Him.

And Scripture proclaims that we can be in relationship with Him! The thing is that He is so holy and we are so sinful that we cannot know Him unless He knows us first. How marvelous is it, brothers and sisters, that He allows us by His grace to be in relationship with Him?! We don’t deserve it, and never can earn our way into His love.
He does not need our love but He desires it because brings Him glory when we praise His name.

So let us go forth and praise His name for we know the God that saves.


Now read this

An Abundance of Grace

My reflections on 2017. As this year draws to a close, I wanted to put what I feel about everything into some coherent form so that I might be able to share it with those I care about. Over this past week, I have started and restarted... Continue →