Thoughts from places

It’s 11.35pm on a tuesday night, I’m sitting on my bed and, I don’t really know what to say. So I’ll start with what I know and see where this leads me.

People are strange. We love staying up late but hate getting up early. We love sleeping but hate waking up. We laugh, we cry, we worry, we stress, we care deeply. The list goes on and on and on. But even though we are all people, not one of us is the same. I’m not the same as even my own family. I’m completely and utterly different from my mother, my father, my sister, and my brother.
So often we spend our lives searching for the ‘right’ person to fall in love and settle down with. The ‘right’ person to care for us and hold us when life gets hard.
In 1994 rom-com classic Four Weddings and a Funeral, at the second wedding, in response the question of having found the ‘right’ man, one of the characters replies, “The truth is… well, the truth is, I have met the right person, and he’s not in love with me, and until I stop loving him, no one else really has a chance.”
And I’m sure for some of you, you have felt this unrequited love. I know have and still do. It’s hard! Oh man, it’s hard! But even when I feel lacking because I don’t have a romantic partner that I can depend on when I need, there is one I can depend on entirely.

There is a tattoo that I want to get: Because He loved first…
1 John 4 is about how God is love, and how love is of Him. I know His love for me because he sent Christ to live, die, and rise for me. I can depend entirely on the one who loved me even when I wasn’t born; who created all things, yet loves me and provides for me.
When I feel lacking in love from others, I know that in all things, God is love.



Now read this

The Sufficiency of His Grace

A month or two ago, one of my lecturers gave me and my classmates the task of writing a Biblical-style lament. We were told to put to paper our pleas to God, asking why He has allowed life to happen this way. And so we wrote poems and... Continue →