The Past Three Weeks

Over the past three weeks, I have put myself through a lot. Too much to explain here and now. But trust me. It’s been a chaotic three weeks. An emotional roller-coaster that has turned friendships on their heads and my heart into a bout of turmoil.

I say it has been chaotic but I don’t really believe that. I can’t believe that. It goes against what I know to be true. My God is sovereign in all things. YHWH is sovereign in all things. Which means that these past three weeks have been under His control. He has willed for all of this to be.
That has been hard to grapple with. Hard to make sense of. Why would the God who loves me and cares for me put me through such turmoil?
I have only one answer:
For the sake of His holy name.

After a whole lot of things had gone on, I ended up reading Psalm 23 yesterday. Verse 1 reads:
YHWH is my shepherd, I shall not want.
What does it mean that I shall not want? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a want. My life is swamped with wants. Everyday I crave human approval. Everyday I crave the love of others. Everyday I crave being known.
Yet, David writes that he shall not want. Not because he doesn’t have wants. But because YHWH, the Sovereign creator and sustainer of all things, is his shepherd. His protector and comforter. His provider of all his needs. There is no need to want more than what the good shepherd provides.

C.H. Spurgeon once said, “Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” These past three weeks have shown me how empty the things of this life actually are in comparison to the grace that God has shown me.
He is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
He is more than enough for me.



Now read this

The Glory of the Cross

You are not saved because you believe. You believe because you are saved. Those words bring much comfort to me. If I was saved because I believed, then it would be my works that saved me. But I believe because I’m saved. Ephesians 2:4-10... Continue →