Sitting amongst family

NTE 2016. 1700 uni students and staff. 1700 brothers and sisters in Christ. I am sitting amongst family.

Last night, I ran into an old friend who I haven’t seen since preschool. 15 years apart but we are brothers in Christ. I am sitting amongst family.

People from 30 nations gathered under God’s Word. Brothers and sisters from Tonga, Indonesia, Japan, Slovenia. I am sitting amongst family.

The love of the Father poured out for us on the Cross. Christ is risen from the grave. I am sitting amongst family.


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Why I write

“I write to because it’s the easiest way to escape the prison of my own consciousness.” – John Green I live a fairly quiet life. I don’t hang with huge amounts of people very often. I only see people at uni or church. But i enjoy it. I... Continue →