Sitting amongst family

NTE 2016. 1700 uni students and staff. 1700 brothers and sisters in Christ. I am sitting amongst family.

Last night, I ran into an old friend who I haven’t seen since preschool. 15 years apart but we are brothers in Christ. I am sitting amongst family.

People from 30 nations gathered under God’s Word. Brothers and sisters from Tonga, Indonesia, Japan, Slovenia. I am sitting amongst family.

The love of the Father poured out for us on the Cross. Christ is risen from the grave. I am sitting amongst family.


Now read this

The Glory of the Cross

You are not saved because you believe. You believe because you are saved. Those words bring much comfort to me. If I was saved because I believed, then it would be my works that saved me. But I believe because I’m saved. Ephesians 2:4-10... Continue →