Reflections on Beach Mission 2016/17

These are some reflections I wrote on my last night of beach mission.

As beach mission draws to a close for my first year here, I have a few thoughts that I want to share.

Firstly, my time here has been a great time of growth and challenge for me. In serving on the teens team, I have been stretched in not being apologetic for the gospel. Last night I gave a talk on the death and resurrection of Christ. And it was really moving to see the work that the Spirit was doing in some of the teens here in Brunswick Heads. When God calls someone to be your brother in Christ the night you give a talk, it feels really special. Praise be God for saving any of us at all.

Secondly, I want to come back. I want to come back year after year to see the work and be part of the work that the Lord is doing in this small costal town. It’s been amazing and heart-changing to be part of. I have fallen in love with this place and the people in it. But more than that, I have fallen in love with the team I am with.

And that brings me to my third point. This team. They are some of the most loving people I have been able to serve with. From buying everyone coffee one morning, to teaching and preaching the Word to those who need it, to making pancakes for the teens every morning. I love these people for they are my family in Christ.

I want to end by saying one thing: I can’t wait to go back.



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Being Me: The Story of My Anxiety and God’s Love

“My biggest fear is that you will eventually see me the way I see myself. - Anonymous I have no idea who that quote is by, but it resounds with me on a very deep level. As a young man who battles with anxiety and how I’m viewed by... Continue →