A Prayer

So this is my hope and my prayer, with the air that I breathe now and eternity with lungs that never fail me:
If it pleases my Lord and only by Your grace, use my life til’ it’s poured out for Your sake. Until then I’ll remain where you have me, with joy when I feel unhappy, and a peace that surpasses all my understanding. My life is in the hands of Your love everlasting.

You, O Lord, are the creator of the heavens and the earth. All that exists is because you will it to be. I live because you see it fit to give me life. Only by your grace to I rise in the morn. Only by your grace to a fall to sleep at eve. In all things you are sovereign. There is no one like. You are alone are holy, and you dwell in unapproachable light. To you belongs the glory forever and ever.

Christ, the Messiah to the nations, you bring me life in your death and resurrection. Nothing in my hands I bring. Simply to your Cross I cling. You are the Word that gives life eternal. You bore the wrath so I do not have to, and by doing so, I can now be counted righteous. Praise be to you for you are the perfect man. Living without sin so I can be counted as a child of the Most High. To you belongs the glory forever and ever.

Spirit, work in me. Transform my life and make it clean. You dwell in me and work in me to make me like Christ. You are the same spirit who dwelt in David and Samson. You are the same spirit who dwelt in Paul and Peter. It is by your work, I have gifts I could not comprehend having. To you belongs the glory forever and ever.

Father, Son, and Spirit. One God. Three persons. All working in perfect unity to bring each other glory. To you belongs the glory forever and ever.



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The moon is round

“You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.” – Jonathan Edwards The beauty of those words is that they are so simple yet so true. There is nothing at all, no word, no deed, no thought, that will ever... Continue →