A God worth worshipping

This week I started reading ‘The Confessions of St Augustine’, and it is one of the most amazing works that is not Scripture that I have ever read. Every word is written by a man who loves and cherishes the Word of God about anything and everything. And the thing is that I am more awe struck by reading this account of a man’s sinful life turned to God than I am by any of the stories I hear now. Not because I can’t see how the Father is at work now in those around me, but because I see how God is the same God now and then. He is never old and never new. He is without age and He does not see decay. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. He created all things and by His will they have their being.

So why do we so often do we fail to praise God, Father, Son and Spirit, all the time and only do it when we deem it appropriate?

So often, even as Christians, we fail to acknowledge that God work through all ways of life. In the good, the bad, and the ugly, He works all things to fulfil His glorious will. And He works in through us by the Spirit. We don’t deserve the grace that we receive. As it says in Ephesians 2, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
How amazing is that?! I can’t even come to comprehend how beautiful that is. The magnificence of the Cross is all encompassing in the Christian life.

Tonight, I went to a praise and worship night where in a room of over 50 people, I knew 5 but was family to all. The throng of voices that filled the church was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. A choir of saints all bringing glory to God. All crying out to Him because He is worthy to be praised. Worthy of all our worship. Worthy of an eternity of joyful song.
Because of the grace that we have been saved by, He is worthy of all glory and honour and praise. now and forever more. Amen


Now read this

Three Truths

“For I consider that the present sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” – Romans 8:18 Three Truths: 1. I experience suffering. 2. God is Love. 3. God is sovereign in all... Continue →